Plein Air Painting on the North Shore with Sheree Jones

Painting ‘en plein air’ is the best way to record your observations in any environment.

Date: September 12 & 13, 2023

Location: To be announced (based on weather conditions) in North and West Vancouver

Cost: $300.00


More Information:

In this two-day workshop, I will guide you through simple steps to making a good plein air study,

from choosing your subject – to editing and creating a solid composition in the field.

There will be an emphasis on simple design ideas & colour mixing with a limited palette.

You will spend each day on location making small studies that can inform your subsequent works in the studio.

Class is limited to 8 students, guaranteeing lots of one on one instruction

This workshop is designed for the experienced beginner & intermediate painter.

Oils are the medium of choice for this course, but water-soluble oils and acrylics are welcome.



Interested? Contact Sheree Jones at