Milner Gardens and Woodland 2 Day Watercolour Workshop With Peggy Burkosky, AFCA

This intensive workshop focuses on the fundamentals of Design Elements and Principles with handouts that are yours to keep and study. We will delve in to the ratio of paint and water mixtures and successful timing of paint to wet and/or dry paper. This is a great workshop for exploring the power of negative painting.

Date: September 29 & September 30, 2018 (Sat & Sun)

Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm

Location: 2179 West Island Highway – Qualicum Beach, British Columbia (Directions)

Costs: $250



More Information:

Join Peggy Burkosky, AFCA for two full days of indoor and outdoor workshop instruction and painting. What a magical place to paint at Milner Gardens & Woodland in Qualicum Beach, especially in Autumn! This heritage location is supported by the Milner Gardens & Woodland Society and Vancouver Island University. Acres of garden surround the heritage gabled house which includes features of a Ceylonese tea plantation house with winding paths of old growth Douglas firs and cedars framing breathtaking views of the Strait of Georgia. The garden lawns slope gently to meet a precipitous bluff which plunges to the beach below. Flora, fauna and architecture in this setting makes for great subject matter as we explore loose, painterly brushwork and study a solid overview on the principles of design.

Level: Beginner / Intermediate

